
香港獅語 | 映 · 畫——李舜 姚朋 雙人展 | 6.28-9.5.2023

香港狮語画廊 狮語画廊

P to P - Works by Li Shun & Yao Peng
《映 · 畫》- 李舜 · 姚朋 雙人展

Curated by Mok Wai Hong

Exhibition Opening Wed, 28 Jun 2023 | 6 - 8 pm
Exhibition Until 5 Sept 2023

Leo Gallery | Hong Kong 香港獅語画廊
46 Sai Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

11 am - 6:30 pm, Tue - Sat (Closed on Public Holidays) | T +852 2803 2333

Yao Peng

Yao Peng 姚朋

Sun Set - 3 落日 - 3

Oil on Canvas, 100 x 200 cm, 2023   

Li Shun

Li Shun 李舜

Witches' Sabbath - The Divine Comedy 神曲

Oil on the Page of The Divine Comedy, Inkjet Print on A4 Paper

31 x 22 cm, 60 x 40 cm, 2022

P to P —— Pixel to Picture

“The Ambiguity between Reflection and Painting”

For Leo Gallery’s new space in Hong Kong, we launch P to P, a joint exhibition by Li, Shun and Yao, Peng. The aim is to explore the reciprocal and ambiguous relationship between photography and painting through the works of two artists.

Li and Yao originate from different backgrounds unlike one another. They both chose painting as their tool of expression, though their creative approaches differ. Li’s works include photography, digital calligraphy, drawing and painting to demonstrate his philosophical concepts. Yao uses collage and oil painting with the sense of photo imagery to narrate his stories.

Li creates his “Brave New World” series with his “Wandering System”. During pandemic, he was staying at home and to see the outside world with Google Map. He selected photo images online, and drew their hyper-realistic negative images by hand. Then he photographed these negative imaged drawings to recreate the positive photo images again. Its result deceives the camera, the computer and the audience.

Yao’s latest series, “The Fog of Time” features works up to three meters in length. His creative process is based on the digestion and recreation of images. He selects the online images that will trigger his eager of expression and painting and tries to perceive his world with a computer screen.

Both artists’ works integrate their life experiences, philosophies, traditional painting techniques and self invented creative methods.

Mok, Wai Hong


Summer 2023    





李舜為大家帶來“美麗新世界”系列,是其臥遊系統作品的一部分,疫情期間,藝術家因無法出門而萌生以谷歌地圖(Google Map) 代替物理出行來觀看世界和繪畫寫生,“正 - 反 - 正”,網上選取正像圖片 - 然後手繪極寫實的反像圖畫 - 再翻拍其繪畫為正像照片,完成欺騙相機,電腦和觀眾的歷程。

姚朋最新展出的系列“時間的霧”(The Fog of Time)部分作品達到兩三米長的大幅油畫,其創作宗旨皆源於影像的消化和再創造,同樣在網上選取影像以觸發藝術家熱切的表達與繪畫意欲,隱隱然如隔著一層螢幕地凝視外界。





Yao Peng 姚朋

Gazing - 2 凝視 - 2

Oil on Canvas, 60 x 50 cm, 2023   

Yao Peng 姚朋

Refraction 折射

Oil on Canvas, 80 x 130 cm x 2, 2023    

Li Shun 李舜

Internet Sketching - Flying the Red Flag - 1984 互聯網寫生 — 1984 - 紅旗飄揚

Sketch on the Page of Novel "1984", Archival Pigment Print, 8 x 10" B & W Negative & Platinum Craft Paper

245 x 435 cm, 60 x 42 cm, 76 x 110 cm, 25.4 x 20.3 2 cm, 35. 5 x 28 cm, 2020    

Li Shun 李舜

Internet Sketching - The Girl's Eyes 互聯網寫生 — The Girl's Eyes

Oil on the Page of The Divine Comedy, Archival Pigment Print

30 x 24 cm, 29 x 29 cm, 2022    


Li Shun (b 1988, Jiangsu, China)

Currently works and lives in Hangzhou, China

Graduated from the Intermedia Art Dept of the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou with a BA in 2011 and a MFA in 2015, Li Shun’s creative inspiration comes from photography, and light is an absolute protagonist in his work, the transformation between positive and negative images becomes the logical source of his works. His creations show a significant level of diversity, with a particular focus on the expressive capabilities of various media.

Li has received recognition for his work, including being featured in the Annual List of Chinese Photography (2020), receiving a nomination for the JIMEI x ARLES Discovery Award (2020) and a finalist in Sovereign Asian Art Prize (2023) to name a few. His works have been collected by numerous important art institutions such as Zhejiang Art Museum (Hangzhou), Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou), Power Station of Art (Shanghai), Long Museum (Shanghai), Zhi Art Museum (Chengdu), Minsheng Art Museum (Beijing), Art Museum of Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo) and White Rabbit Gallery (Sydney) among others.    

李舜(生於 1988 年,中國江蘇)


獲得中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院學士 (2011) 及碩士學位 (2015), 李舜的創作靈感來源於攝影,光是其中的絕對主角,而正負像畫面之間的轉換,又成為他作品的邏輯根源。他的創作呈現出多樣性的狀態,尤其注重各種媒體的表現力。

李舜的作品獲得廣泛認可, 包括入選2020年中國攝影年度排行榜、2020年獲集美 x 阿爾立國際攝影節提名和2023年入圍Sovereign傑出亞洲藝術獎等佳績。作品多次在國內外重要藝術機構收藏,包括浙江美術館、廣東美術館、上海當代藝術博物館、上海龍美術館、成都知美術館、北京民生美術館、東京藝術大學美術館和澳大利亞白兔當代美術館等。    

Yao Peng (b 1984, Jilin, China)

Currently works and lives in Beijing, China

Graduated from the Oil Painting Dept of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a BA in 2008 and a MFA in 2012, Yao Peng works in multiple media, including painting, installation art and digital platforms. The sources of his materials are varied, encompassing the internet, news articles, movies and photographs, these image resources serve as inspiration for his creations and are adapted to form a new artistic language.

Yao received the Luo Zhongli Scholarship, Chongqing Art Museum, China in 2012. His works have been collected by numerous important art institutions including White Rabbit Gallery (Sydney), He Xiangning Art Museum (Shenzhen), Yuz Museum (Shanghai) and Zhi Art Museum (Chengdu) among others.    

姚朋(生於 1984 年,中國吉林)



2012 年姚朋獲中國重慶美術館羅中立獎學金。作品被白兔美術館(悉尼)、何香凝美術館(深圳)、余德耀美術館(上海)以及知美術館(成都)等重要藝術機構收藏。  



For all inquiries regarding sales and services

please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn 



同期展览 Current Exhibitions

上海 Shanghai

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031, China.

Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)

+862 15465326 



狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong


 46 Sai Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tue-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  

+852 28032333 




